Who We Are

Joy’s Promise is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are a foster-based rescue, meaning we do not have a physical shelter. We are solely volunteer-run. We do not have any paid staff; everything we do is volunteered time. We are based out of Jackson, GA and we operate within a few hour radius of that. We are a very small “mom and pop” rescue who relies solely on donations. We are a tiny but mighty group who fights for the underdogs and never gives up on a dog.

What We Do

We rescue and rehabilitate those who need help most. We are not breed-specific, size-specific, or other. We simply help those who need help most. Once we take in a dog, they are placed in a foster home until adoption where they complete any necessary veterinary care. As we are foster-based, our ability to help with new dogs is limited to our ability to secure a loving foster home.

Our Promise

Our promise is to keep fighting for those like Joy — the underdogs, the overlooked, the unwanted, the “tough guys”. We focus on rescuing those who no one else will. Our promise to Joy and those alike is to always fight for the tough guys, and to never give up on a dog.

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